Period 10 Blog

In what ways does Meg seem like any other young person?  In what ways are her feelings similar to yours?


  1. Brandon Cassidy
    she problems with cooperateing about the fact that her father is not coming back,these feelings are close too mine because i have lost someone close as well and it was just hardb

  2. Jolene Mortimer
    meg is like other young people because she has a family,goes to school and wants to now things. she is smart,kowledgable and loves her dad.

  3. Meg is being dropped down to the lowest part in her grade. she is like me cause me and her are not in the highest class.

    Alex Hargenrader

  4. Dakota Sanner
    Meg seems like any other young person, by thinking everyone is better than herself, and not being good at everything. No one is good at everything. Neither is Meg. Her feelings are similar to mine, because I'm only good at a few things, not everything.

  5. Meg seems like she's going through the same problems as every one else, like with school, and other stuff. Her feelings are somewhat similar because she seems like a quiet person around home.
    -Rhalina Cubitt

  6. Meg seems like any other young person because she gets in trouble at school and ignores the principal. Her feeling are similar to mine because she gets in trouble but she is only doing what she is told.
    - Dan Stoltenburg

  7. Meg is like other people our age because she goes through problems similar to ours. Her feelings is like ours because she feels independent.

    Terra O'Neil

  8. clinton ames
    1. She stands up for her younger brother.
    2. Both Meg and I are protective of our younger siblings.

  9. Samantha Hout

    Meg does get angry,and flips out,causing her to get sent to the principals office. she is similar to me,because I do get angry,quite often and flip out ^.^

  10. Meg is just like any other young person because she doesn't know where she belongs and doens't fit in with alot of people, and she is still finding her place. Just like alot of kids. Meg and I are not really that simalar.

    Jessica Coogan

  11. Meg seems like any other young person, because she can get in trouble with the principle and teachers in school sometimes. She wakes up to the alarm everyday for school. Meg likes her dog and the dog takes to her. She Is like me because we bolth have responsibilities. -Colin smeltzer

  12. Meg is like me because she is going through different stages in her life, like school.
    She isn't good at everything, nobody is good at everything.
    Her feelings and mine are the same because i am good at somethings not everything.

  13. Meg seems like any other young person because she goes to school and she has a family. Megs feelings are similar to mine because she has trouble working with people at school.

    stephanie goodman

  14. people are age always try to get what they want.we have similar feelings because we both try to get what we want. nicole crawford

  15. Kiersten Beach
    Meg is similar to kids my age because she too has problems with kids bulling her siblings and she also has trouble learning in school.Besides her problems at school,she also has problems with her parent's job. She barley gets to see her dad. This happens a lot for kids her age.

  16. Brandon Stevenson
    she is having problems with the fact that her father is never coming back,I had the same feelings when my dad moved out and now we go to his house i know how she feels.

  17. Meg is having issues in school and in her life me and her are both alike because we both are always in trouble

  18. Meg is a normal girl. She is a teenager and has family problems just like any other teen. Meg is diffrent too though. We don't face promblems like her father fighting a mysterious black thing or can go to another planet and breathe through flower for air.
    By:Kiersten Beach.

  19. I think she is like any other young girl my age is because she has feelings obviously, she has a mom, she cares abiut her dad and seems like she loves him so she is loving

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  21. Meg is like kids our age because she goes to school and has a family. Meg and I are kinda the same by she not perfect at everything and neither am I.

  22. she is like a normal person because she can be goofy and mature at the same time. her feelings are similair to mine because she cares about her family like me. by nate morrison
